Service Provider Agencies interested in contracting with One Sky Community Services, Inc. to provide services and support should an email to Kelly Scanlon, Associate Director of Quality Improvement, at the following information:
A description of your agency mission and philosophy and how it is consistent with the mission of One Sky:
One Sky has been designated by the state of New Hampshire as the Area Agency for Region VIII. In pursuit of our mission, we assist people with developmental disabilities or acquired brain disorders to live as valued and participating members in their communities.
A description of the scope of services your agency provides
A copy of your agency’s operational policies and procedures which will be utilized in the provision of service. These policies must include:
Management procedures
supervision of coordinators and direct care staff
training requirements of staff (including curriculum used)
utilization of consultants
access to nursing and medical service
backup and emergency response procedures
A description of the personnel who will be available to support service providers including personnel credentials, training and education
A description of your Quality Assurance plan including copies of any tools utilized
A description of how your agency promotes individual and family choice, control and involvement in planning, design, implementation and monitoring or supports
A copy of your most recent annual audited financial statement
At least 3 references whom we can contact that include all the following:
Individuals and/or families who have received your services
Human service agencies which have collaborated with your agency
Agencies which have funded services provider by your agency
A list of your Board of Directors with their credentials, indicating if positions are paid (if applicable)
Resumes of the President/Executive Director and the other key staff
A copy of your articles of incorporation and recent certificate of Good Standing
We encourage you to submit any additional information you feel will provide us with a full picture of your organization. Likewise, One Sky reserves the right to request additional information. If you become certified as a service provider with One Sky Community Services, you will be required to enter into an annual service agreement before services may begin.